Intuitive Energy Healing for Inner Peace

The weight of our burdens and trauma can make life feel dark and hopeless. I am here to show you that you can break the bondage with negative energy and your hurtful pasts, and step into the light of a peaceful, loving and joyful present and future. We are not destined to suffer. We are destined to be free and healed.

My Role

I gently hold your heart, navigate through your triggers and trauma and deliver you into a space of healing peace and love.

We are spirits inside of a body. Our bodies are composed of loving and powerful energy and frequencies that are waiting to be released to give us healing over our emotional, spiritual, mental and physical beings. Our souls are yearning to speak to us, and deliver messages to help us break the chains of bondage over our lives. Energy healing is a beautiful practice which allows you to heal from past and current trauma, restore your aura, release negative energy and blockages, and to restore the flow of positive energies into your body for overall health and wellness.

When our souls and spirits are in alignment, this is when true healing can manifest, whether it is emotional, mental, or physical healing that you desire. I not only consider myself an intuitive energy healer, but also a bearer of light. My goal is to send away the darkness and bring in the light that wants to beam throughout your body, spirit and soul.

My Journey

I’m Jasmine, an Intuitive Energy Healer, integrative health practitioner and Lawyer.

 I was first introduced to energy healing and integrative health coaching after I spent several years trying to heal from Hashimoto’s Thyroditis, an autoimmune disease that is supposed to be life long. I suffered from several debilitating symptoms including weight gain, insomnia, hair loss, joint pain, adrenal fatigue, brain fog, digestive issues, and more. The physical symptoms affected me greatly emotionally, spiritually and mentally, and I grieved my past health that I deeply desired to be restored. I explored every option that I could.

I found some relief through seeing naturopaths and functional medicine doctors, but did not experience complete healing until I was able to detox pathogens through health coaching, and heal my soul and my spirit through energy healing. In 2022, I fully recovered from Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. My doctor was amazed as she could clearly see from my bloodwork that my thyroid was working. For the first time in her career, she began to wean a client off of their thyroid medication. It was and is a true miracle. Full healing manifested in my body when I learned to fully receive healing, and listened to the lessons my soul was trying to teach me. 

My Practice

A Complementary Form of Medicine

Energy healing is a holistic approach to health and wellness that focuses on the energetic aspect of the human body. It operates on the principle that the human body is not only composed of physical matter, but also has an intricate network of subtle energy systems. Energy healing aims to balance, harmonize and restore the positive flow of energy throughout the physical and energy body, which in turn promotes healing and overall health. Some of the potential benefits of energy healing are that it may:

  • Reduce stress, anxiety and triggers that may have resulted from trauma.

  • Release you from thought patterns and limiting beliefs about yourself and others that are holding you back.

  • Help you connect to your soul and knowing your soul’s desires.

  • Provide you with guidance and clarity in your goals. 

  • Promote deeper sleeps to feel more energized throughout the day.

  • Reduce physical pain and can lead to physical healing and wellness. 

  • Cut the cord between you and your painful past, so you can move forward in your healing and wellness journey.

  • Offer coping skills to cope with current and future triggers.

My Offerings

 Energetic Sessions to Support Your Soul

in person or Virtual
Energy Healing

This is perfect for you are feeling stress, emotional imbalance, and even physical pain, and are in search of peace and the release of trauma.

  • Either one or both of energy healing and channeling can be offered during a one-on-one session, depending on what your needs are. These sessions take anywhere from 60 to 75 minutes. We first set an intention, and then I begin to scan your body for negative energy and blockages, and listen to what your energy body and higher self is trying to tell me. You can do anything you like while I do this, but I recommend relaxing.


This is perfect for you if you feel that there is a heavy or negative energy in a space, or have noticed that strange things have happened regularly within this space.

  • Space clearings can be done in person or virtual. It can take one, or sometimes several sessions to clear a space, depending on the size of the space, and the negative energy or spiritual entities that are there. I always ask that you are not present so that I do not feel your energy, and only the energy of the space.


This is perfect for you if you are in need to balancing your energy systems and self-care habits that lift your health and vitality to new levels, and lose stubborn weight.

  • Mini clearings are 30 minute sessions to channel you and release any negative energy or blockages. With these sessions you are not present in person or virtually, but it is not uncommon to sense that healing is taking place as you may experience tingling or elevated feelings of calm.


This is perfect for you and your group if you are looking for a gathering to experience peace, calm, and tranquility together, and to learn self healing skills.

  • Send me an email or a DM on social media to inquire about healing retreats for you and your loved ones. The retreats will be designed to fit the needs and desires of you and your group. This can range from healing emotional wounds, to workshops on how to manifest your hopes and dreams into a reality.

Energy Healing
for Pets

This is perfect for you if you feel that your pet needs to cut ties with the past, heal their anxiety, and move on with a loving future with you.

  • Does your pet seem sad, depressed, anxious? Pets also carry negative energy, oftentimes resulting from being separated from their mother. Perhaps you adopted a pet and you sense that there is a past that your furry friend needs to heal from.

Integrative Health Coaching

This is perfect for you if you are ready to discover physical healing and balance, lose weight, and get to the root of what is causing dysfunction in your body.

  • Are you suffering from an autoimmune disease, IBS or other mystery symptoms? As an Integrative Health Practitioner, my goal will be to find the root cause of your disease or dysfunction, whether it is toxins and/or stress related, and supporting you in banishing it forever. Integrative Health coaching was a cornerstone in my healing from Hashimoto’s Disease, and I cannot wait to share this with you in your healing journey.

your gratitude

the power of possibility

blown away

“I want to thank Jasmine for her session with me and my energy healing. I was in awe when Jasmine knew exactly what was blocking my energy and cleared it! I was blown away how accurate she was and left me in tears because everything resonated so well! Now I know what I need to work on! Positive vibes only! Thank you Luminous Soul!”

Kiran K.

profound journey

“Through the guidance and expertise of Jasmine (The Luminous Soul), I have experienced a profound journey of clarity, growth, and introspection. This testimonial serves as an expression of my deepest gratitude and an endorsement of the incredible power of virtual energy healing. I was met with a sense of warmth, compassion, and understanding that instantly put me at ease. Jasmine’s presence exudes serenity, wisdom, and genuine care, creating a sacred space and allowing a genuinely holistic and personalized healing experience. Jasmine’s sincere dedication to my well-being extended beyond the session room. She has solid knowledge and practices that help continuously guide you. Embrace the power of energy healing and prepare to witness transformation unfold.”

Jessica S.

my gift

An Opportunity to Cultivate Compassion

Are you curious if we are an energetic fit before booking a session? I have designed a 5 minute energy healing meditation just for you, so you can hear my voice and experience the warmth of my energy to see how your body and mind respond.
Please refresh your inbox and look for the email where you click a button to confirm that you are interested in receiving my emails. If you don’t see what I’m talking about, it might have landed in your spam folder! Once confirmed, you will receive the meditation.

My Experience

Integral Aspects of Each Session

fe el


In my practice, whether it is energy healing and/or channeling an individual or group, or a space clearing, I rely on my intuition as I call on life force energy and the help of my spirit guides to not only remove negative energy and blockages, but to restore and move positive energies into the energy body or a space.



During an energy healing session, whether in person or virtual, we will first discuss what your intentions for the session are. If virtual, it is ideal that you have a safe, quiet space to relax as I start my healing practice. I may ask you questions throughout for clarity, or wait until the end to share what I found and was able to heal.



Following an energy healing session, allow yourself to fully immerse into the healing benefits. You may find you are sleeping deeper, experiencing more energy, have an uplifted mood, and more. Fully listen to the messages I receive from your higher self and your soul, and fully integrate these messages into your life.

your gratitude

the impact of energy work

weight lifted

“I am so grateful for you!! After my clearing I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. All of my negative energy felt lifted. I also have not felt bloated since which is one of my biggest issues. THANK YOU!! I can’t wait to continue this journey of self care with you.”

Brittany P.

positive shifting

“Thank you Jasmine for tapping into the universe and virtually channeling some balance and energy my way. I have read your notes from a few weeks back over and over to digest and let your works sink in. I can honestly share with you that they have really struck a cord of personal recognition. Your message to ‘release old patterns and stories,’ WOW! It is helping me to acknowledge that I need to continue inner refocusing and positive shifting in my life. I can tell you from your words of wisdom and guidance I am noticing that it truly feels very different to focus on what I DO WANT compared to lamenting over what I DON’T WANT so for this I thank you. Looking forward to another healing session with you really soon!”

Cathy S.

Your Journey

Ready to book an appointment and see how health coaching & energy healing can change your life?

My Guidance

Find the Answers to Your Questions

  • Energy healing is equally effective in person or by a distance. Physicists would attribute this to quantum physics or “quantum entanglement.” We are all connected through a common network and energy field. Energy healers can readily tap into this field, and heal from a distance. A great modern day teacher of this is Dr. Joe Dispenza. Energy is everywhere and is not limited by time or space.

  • Energy healing is for anyone. It can help anyone who is experiencing deep emotional trauma, or someone who needs help feeling more balanced in their career. Anywhere that you feel you have an imbalance in your life, energy healing can help.

  • All physical and mental illnesses or dysfunction can have roots in energy imbalance. Our pain and struggles often result from blockages in the body that are not allowing for the flow of positive energy. While in the case of serious illnesses and disease I greatly encourage you to continue working with your healthcare practitioner, energy healing can and has been able to promote incredible results and full healing.

  • I primarily work one-on-one with individuals, but I also facilitate group healing retreats that are focused on common goals of the group. Please feel free to contact me for more details and to book a group healing retreat.

  • Belief is a very important element to energy healing. If you are feeling hesitant or resistant towards energy healing during and following a session, it will impact the effectiveness of energy healing on your body, as your body is not allowing it to fully manifest. However, even the smallest amount of faith can open your energy body, spirit and soul to the magical benefits of energy healing.

  • Affirmations are an amazing daily practice to facilitate and manifest healing. Start to pay attention to your thoughts towards yourself that start with “I want,” “I dislike,” “I don’t want,” etc., and start replacing it with thoughts and statements that start with “I am,” “I have,” and “I do.” When your intentions are negative or desiring, you are attracting energy that you do not want. If you shift your statements into positive affirmations, your desires will eventually become your reality.

  • I am a family and criminal defence lawyer primarily. I also offer family mediation sessions. You can learn more by visiting my legal website